The College follows the University’s guidelines and regulations for internal assessment. Internal assessment carries 25% weightage and the semester examination conducted by the University carries 75% weightage.
The distribution of internal assessment is as follows –
• Attendance (Lectures including interactive periods and tutorials) 5%
• Written Assignments/ Projects 10%
• Class Test 10%
Each paper carries a few assignments that are graded for specified marks, class tests that are again graded for specified marks, and award for attendance as per University rules.
Attendance Rules:
There shall be 5% weightage for regularity in attending lectures and tutorials, and the credit for regularity in each paper, based on attendance, shall be as follows:
More than 67% but less than 70% - 1 mark
70% or more but less than 75% - 2 marks
75% or more but less than 80% - 3 marks
80% or more but less than 85% - 4 marks
85% and above - 5 marks
[Medical certificates shall be excluded while calculating credit towards marks to be awarded for regularity, though such certificates shall continue to be taken into account for the purpose of calculating eligibility to appear for examinations as per the existing provisions of Ordinance VII.2.9.(a)(ii).]