S.No. |
1 |
2 |
The History Society-04.03.2025
3 |
Arabic Language & Literature in India
4 |
Basant '25
5 |
Sports Meet 05th and 06th March 2025 (Link)
6 |
Sports Meet 05th and 06th March 2025
7 |
8 |
9 |
Office Order--Reg-Payment of Fee for Duplicate ID card and Booking Charges of Auditorium
10 |
Filling up of Examination Form for Regular & NCWEB students for Session May-June 2025
11 |
College Closed on 23-01-2025
12 |
Link:- Notice--Google Form for Semester-6 - 20.12.2024_ (https://forms.gle/dnFDgEBC1vSayRic7)
13 |
Link:- Notice--Google Form for Semester-4 - 20.12.2024_ (https://forms.gle/9ApyfLG6GfcsBdE67)
14 |
Link:- Notice--Google Form for Semester-2 - 20.12.2024_ (https://forms.gle/Edj3H5vZ8xCGMfjF6)
15 |
Notice--Google Form for Semester-2-4-and 6-20.12.2024
16 |
SEC-Paper_Basic IT Tools
17 |
Internal Assessment and Continuos Marks 21.12.2024
18 |
Practical Exam-- Financial Accounting (2412081103 & 2412091103)
19 |
Students Feedback Form (ZHDCE-20024-25)
20 |
Notice regarding :Admit Card-2024
21 |
Practical Exam_2412082301
22 |
Notice--ER in the Previous Odd semesters
23 |
Qution Bank
24 |
Practical Exam-- Income Tax Law and Practice (2)
25 |
Practical Exam-- Income Tax Law and Practice
26 |
Practical Exam-- Business Mathematics
27 |
Commerce Practical on 04.12.2024_2412093503_2412083503
28 |
Notice--Classes shall be conducted in Online mode till 23.11.2024
29 |
The College will remain closed on Friday 15th November 2024
30 |
Notice-Student meet their mentors
31 |
NIQ-Supply & Installation of Signages
32 |
NIQ-Decorative items
33 |
NIQ Refill Extinguisher Fire Cylinder
34 |
Notice_for Students to check their subjects on Student Portal-2024
35 |
Notice for the Appointment of Nurse
36 |
Students No Entery without Identity Card
37 |
College Closed on_ 12.10.2024
38 |
Extended Date 2nd and 3rd Year Students Re-Admission Fees_2024
39 |
College will remain closed on 02.10.2024
40 |
NOTICE_College Closed on 28-09-2024
41 |
Notice--Classes Suspended on 26.09.2024-Preparation of DUSU
42 |
Notice__College Union Election for President and Central Councillor Debate 2024
43 |
Notice__ Fee Concession
44 |
1st Year Students I-Card_2024
45 |
G.E. Option form for Sem I
46 |
Classes suspended on 18 and 19 September-2024
47 |
List of College Roll No. Allotted to the 1st Year Students 2024-25
48 |
Revised Notice_Orientation Meeting Sem-1 on 17.09.2024
49 |
Last Date 2nd and 3rd Year Students Re-Admission Fees_2024
50 |
Orientation Meeting for Sem-1 on 18.09.2024
51 |
Notification dated 04.09.2024 regarding filling up the Examination Form for Semester I-II-III-IV-V-VI
52 |
Public Notice regarding ECA Admissions
53 |
Schedule for Election of DUSU Office Bearers
54 |
Public Notice Fee Time Extension
55 |
Obsolete item Detail Auction
56 |
Classes Suspended on 2nd and 3rd Year Students 29.08.2024
57 |
Flyer_STEMM Guest Lecture Series_v2
58 |
Vidyanjali Scholarship Programme
59 |
Orientation Programme_2024
60 |
Submit the re-admission fees_2024
61 |
Faculty to meet mentees
62 |
Notice for Students to meet Mentors
63 |
Mentor-Mentee List 2024-25
64 |
Students Dealing Timing from 3 pm to 8 pm
65 |
Regarding awareness of PM-USP Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship (CSSS) for College and University Student.
66 |
67 |
Notice-College Closed on 14.08.2024
68 |
Notice- Reg-2nd and 3rd Year Fee for Re-Admission
69 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of Mathematics-01.08.2024
70 |
Allocation-cum-Admission schedule for Undergraduate admissions for the Academic Session 2024-25
71 |
CSAS Phase II WEBINAR 2024.pdf
72 |
UoD-Public Notice-UG Admissions 2024-25
73 |
Grievance Form for UG Regular & NCWEB and PG Students
74 |
Invitation to the National Youth Cultural Festival 2024
75 |
Online applications are invited for the following Permanent Teaching posts (Link: https://colrec.uod.ac.in)
76 |
Braille Library Membership Form
77 |
Regarding Request for Participation of Students under University for National Students Paryavaran Competition(NSPC)
78 |
Study in Korea Fair - June 28-29, 2024 at Multipurpose Hall, Sports Complex, University of Delhi
79 |
Registration Under Competence Enhancement Scheme 2024 - 25
80 |
Regarding Revised fee structure for the students taking admission in the University/Colleges with effect from the academic session 2024-25 for Undergraduate and Postgraduate
81 |
Notice--NAAC-For Students
82 |
Common Seat Allocation System UG
83 |
UG Bulletin of Information and other information related to admissions in University of Delhi
84 |
Undergraduate Admissions for Academic Session_Registering to CUET(UG) 2024
85 |
Invitation for Quotations for Repairing 18 AHP Daikin VRV Cassette Air Conditioners
86 |
College Closed on 25.05.2024 due to Election
87 |
Third Year Students are required to fill the Alumni Form
88 |
Third Year Students are required to fill the Alumni Form
89 |
Internal Assessment and Continuos Marks 20.05.2024
90 |
Notice_Practical_Circular Economy and Environmental on_ 17.05.2024
91 |
Practical_Study of Electronic in Urdu on_14.05.2024
92 |
Practical_Business Statistics on_14.05.2024
93 |
Revised _Notice_ Practical_Statistical Software R On_ 16.05.2024
94 |
Examination UG Notification
95 |
Examination Notification annual mode
96 |
Library Notice_ No Dues Schedule
97 |
Library Notice_ No Dues
98 |
DU_ Run for Viksit Bharat (ZHDCE)
99 |
Tender Notice_Aluminium Partition
100 |
Students Feedback Form
101 |
Notice_Admit Card
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
Online Submission of I.A. and Hard Copies for Exam. MJ2024
108 |
Examination Form Notification Dated 08.04.2024
109 |
110 |
Notice for Students-2018-2023_IMPORTANT
111 |
Notice for Students-2018-2023_IMPORTANT
112 |
Announcing Students' Registration Open for VCIS: Summer Internship 2024
113 |
VC's Speech - NCWEB Bharat Manthan (20 April, 2024)
114 |
Revised_List of Awardees Annual Day_ _15.04.2024
115 |
List of Awardees Annual Day_15.04.2024
116 |
Instructions for Studnets- Annual Day Celebration
117 |
Notice_ College will remain closed on 11.04.2024
118 |
Notice for Students to Contact Mentors
119 |
Filling up the Examination Form for Semester left studnets_Academic session 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 & 2023-2024 is 30.04.2024
120 |
Revised List_ Annual Day Prize Function-- 2nd & 3rd Position List--2023
121 |
Annual Day Prize Function--Toppers List--2023
122 |
Annual Day prize Function-- 2nd & 3rd Position List--2022
123 |
Annual Day Prize Function-- Toppers List --2022
124 |
Five Notificaiton dated 04.04.2024 filling up examination forms in UG-PG-LLB-Certificate-Diploma Exams in April-May-June-2024
125 |
ER in Internal Assessment or Practical in IInd Semester
126 |
62nd Annual Day Celebration and Prize Distribution Function on 15.04.2024
127 |
Notification dated 02.04.2024 regarding filling up Centenary Chance Special Exams
128 |
Notice for the Appointment of Section Officer (Accounts) on Deputation Basis.
129 |
Classes Suspended on 22 & 23 on account of Holi Festival
130 |
Quotation for Printing of College Magazines for The Academic year 2023-24
131 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of History
132 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of Hindi
133 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of Arabic
134 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of Political Science
135 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of Mathematics
136 |
College Closed on 14.03.2024
137 |
138 |
ELS_Panel Discussion ON 19.03.2024
139 |
Inter College Poster Making Comptition
140 |
ELS_(Decolonisation & Indian Knowledge Systems)
141 |
Webinar on_ Undergraduate Admissions 2024
142 |
Holi Committee the Proctorial Board
143 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of History
144 |
Office Order--College Remain Closed on 01-03-2024 Reg-66th Annual Flower Show
145 |
Guest of Honour- Women's Day Celebration
146 |
M.M. Beg Memorial Parliamentary Debate
147 |
(Basant_24) Arts and Culture Society
148 |
Chief Guest-Women's Day Celebration
149 |
Workshop on the "Analysis of B.A.(prog) syllabus of Bengali Language & Literature"
150 |
Semester 4th & 6th Students Upload Papers on Samarth Portal
151 |
Event Feedback Form 2023-2024
152 |
Self Defence Workshop
153 |
ELS Talk_ Women's Literary and Cultural Contributions
154 |
Ameer Khusro Ghazal Saraii Running Trophy & Bait Bazi competition
155 |
Mehfil-e-Ghazal by Bazm-E-Adab
156 |
Notice for the Appointment of Section Officer (Accounts)
157 |
Notice_ College Closed on 21.02.2024
158 |
CHHAVI-The Film and Photography Society Workshop and Inter College Competition
159 |
Annual Theatre Festival_Aagaaz
160 |
Lecture on The Arithmetic of Advancement Feb 23, 2024
161 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of Hindi
162 |
ELS Talk 19Feb24
163 |
Essay,Slogan,Rangoli Compeition on 19.02.2024
164 |
National Conference on_ _ New National Allegories
165 |
Acadmic Lecture on Anjuman-i-Farsi
166 |
Notice_for Students to check their subjects on Student Portal
167 |
Office Order--Classes Suspended on 14.02.2024
168 |
Quotation for College Website
169 |
170 |
Lecture on "Deep Diving Into Skills Required In The Changing Business Landscape"
171 |
Inaugural Function of Viksit Bharat@2027:The Voice of Youth Compaign
172 |
The Inaugural Function of Viksit Bharat @ 2047_Google Form
173 |
Regarding promotion for organs donation
174 |
Notice--Annual Function on 20-21 Feb-2024
175 |
Intra-College Cricket Tournament on 5-6 Feb-2024
176 |
Notice-Donate Woollen Clothes to the Needy People
177 |
Bazm e Adab_Lecture on Vikist Bharat
178 |
Women's Badminton match__01.02.2024
179 |
Instructions for Students__ Function of Viksit Bharat@2047
180 |
Pariksha pe Charcha_2024
181 |
NATIONAL WORKSHOP: Department of Sanskrit
182 |
College will Remain Closed on Friday 26th January 2024
183 |
seminar of the Commerce Department
184 |
Class shall remain suspended_18.01.2024
185 |
Student Option form Sem 4
186 |
Student Option form Sem 2
187 |
Notice_Mobile phone not allowed
188 |
189 |
Seating Plan 28.12.2023
190 |
Liaison Officer for OBC-EWS-PwD
191 |
Seating Plan 26.12.2023
192 |
submission of examination form and payment of fees
193 |
Internal Assessment and Continuos Marks 20.12.2023
194 |
Seating plan 21.12.2023
195 |
196 |
Date-Sheet Notification
197 |
Seating plan 20.12.2023
198 |
Important update on last date of examination December 2023
199 |
Examination related information for students
200 |
PRACTICAL EXAM B.COM (Prog)and(Hons) _UPC52414304
201 |
Student Feedback Form QR Code - December 2023
202 |
Student Feedback Form Link - December 2023
203 |
PRACTICAL EXAM B.COM _Business Statistics
204 |
PRACTICAL EXAM B.COM_(Hons) _UPC2412082301
205 |
Quotation for Repairing work of Book Shelf Almirah
206 |
PRACTICAL EXAM B.COM (Hons.) _UPC_22413301
207 |
PRACTICAL EXAM B.COM (Hons.) _UPC2412082302 and 2412092302
208 |
209 |
PRACTICAL EXAM B.COM _UPC2412081103 and 2412091103
210 |
ER in Internal Assessment or Practical Examination
211 |
Notice--Practical Exams for Semester-I and III
212 |
Notice regarding Interview in the Department of HINDI for Assistant Professor on 08.12.2023
213 |
Notice regarding Interview in the Department of HINDI for Assistant Professor on 07.12.2023
214 |
Notice regarding Interview in the Department of HINDI for Assistant Professor on 06.12.2023
215 |
Notice--REGARDING ONLINE CLASSES W.E.F. 07.11.2023 TO 15.11.2023
216 |
Notice for the Appointment of Nurse
217 |
2nd Merit List MOP-UP Round Admission 2023 B.A. (Programme)
218 |
2nd Merit List MOP-UP Round Admission 2023 B.A. (Hons)
219 |
2nd Merit List MOP-UP Round Admission 2023 COMMERCE
220 |
221 |
Merit List MOP-UP Round Admission 2023 COMMERCE
222 |
Merit List MOP-UP Round Admission 2023 B.A. (Programme)
223 |
Merit List MOP-UP Round Admission 2023 B.A. (Hons)
224 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of Political Science
225 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Guest Lecture Basis in the Department of History
226 |
Revised Notice-MOP-UP Admission
227 |
Admission in Various Courses
228 |
Application invited for MOP-UP admission round
229 |
Application form for Mop Up Admission Round 2023-24
230 |
SOP Mop-up round_College
231 |
Mop Vacant Seats
232 |
Students Check Your Subject on their Student Portal
233 |
All Ist Year Student Documents Verification Notice
234 |
Classes suspended on 07.10.2023
235 |
Corrigendum regarding Notice for walk-in-interview for the post of Nurse
236 |
Nodal Officer-Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) ID
237 |
238 |
Step by Step User Guide for Using Multiple Channels to Create ABC ID for Students
239 |
Examination Form
240 |
A Cleanliness Drive
241 |
College Closed on 02.10.2023
242 |
College will remain closed on 28.09.2023
243 |
1st Year Students Verify Documents
244 |
Vice Chancellor Internship Scheme (Part-time) 2023-24 (Complete Information with Online Link for Student Registration Form)
245 |
Classes suspended on 23.09.2023
246 |
College Closed on 23.09.2023
247 |
Regarding entry of bonafide student-voters on the day of voting for DUSU elections on 22nd September, 2023.
248 |
North East Students Cell_Nodal Officer
249 |
Classes will remain suspended
250 |
College Union Election for President and Central Councillor-2023-24
251 |
I-Card Collection Last Date20.09.2023
252 |
The entry of the pass out students shall be restricted
253 |
I-Card Collection Last Date18.09.2023
254 |
Reg- ABC Account for Students
255 |
NOTICE_All the 2nd and 3rd Yrar Students to Submit Re-Admission Fees
256 |
College Closed from 06.09.2023 to 10.09.2023
257 |
Urgent Notice-Regarding 4th Annual Convocation
258 |
259 |
Duty Time Change
260 |
Google option form for the Sem 1 students
261 |
URGENT NOTICE 4th Annual Convocation 2023
262 |
Paper Improvement form
263 |
264 |
Notice_Submission of fees DateExtended
265 |
URGENT_ NSP Scholarship
266 |
267 |
268 |
NSP Scholarship
269 |
4 TH ANNUAL CONVOCATION -2023 (Link Google Form:https://forms.gle/FkwafJ3WKA89PmSB9)
270 |
271 |
REVISED_NOTICE_All the 2nd and 3rd Yrar Students to Submit Re-Admission Fees
272 |
Notice- Reg. 4th Annual Convocation 2023
273 |
4th ANNUAL CONVOCATION_2023 Registration Date Extended 10-08-2023 to 18-08-2023
274 |
All the 2nd and 3rd Yrar Students to Submit Re-Admission Fees
275 |
All the 2nd Year Students Fill Google Form
276 |
All the 2nd Year Students Fill Google Form
277 |
Notice regarding Interview in the Post of Librarian to be held on 28.08.2023
278 |
Notice regarding Interview in the Department of Persian for Assistant Professor to be held on 27.08.2023
279 |
B. A. Programme & B.Com Programme 3rd Year Fill Google Form
280 |
B. A. Programme & B.Com Programme 3rd Year Fill Google Form
281 |
Orientation Programme will be conducted in the college Auditorium on 16th August 2023
282 |
Notification regarding Physical Fitness Test for the post of Director Physical Education
283 |
Google Form: 4 TH ANNUAL CONVOCATION -2023
284 |
4 TH ANNUAL CONVOCATION -2023 (Link Google Form: https://forms.gle/FkwafJ3WKA89PmSB9)
285 |
NIQ Refill Extinguisher Fire Cylinder
286 |
Admission Helpdesk_Grievance Redressal & North East Cell 2023-24
287 |
Notice-Regarding seeking exemption in Skill Test (Typing Test)
288 |
Notification regarding Skill Test (Typing Test) for the post of Junior Assistant (reserved for LD)
289 |
Schedule for holding written test for the posts of Director Physical Education (UR)
290 |
Government Achievements & Schemes Expo 2023
291 |
Common Seat Allocation System
292 |
293 |
Schedule for holding written test for the post of Senior Personal Assistant_25.07.2023
294 |
Schedule for holding written test for the post of Junior Assistant_25.07.2023
295 |
Press Release -Admission schedule for UG admissions for 2023-2024 - DU
296 |
Press Conference on Admissions 2023
297 |
298 |
Internal Assessment and Continuos Marks 2nd Semester
299 |
COLLEGE WILL REMAIN CLOSED FROM 14.07.2023 to 16.07.2023
300 |
301 |
302 |
Notice regarding the post of Director, Physical Education
303 |
Notice regarding the post of Senior Personal Assistant- (HH)
304 |
Notice regarding the post of Junior Assistant- (LD)
305 |
306 |
letter dated 16.05.2023 regarding Strict COmpliance of Notification No. Dean Exam2022634 dated 19.05.2023
307 |
Notification UG Filling Examination Form_Last Date 30.06.2023
308 |
Students Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)
309 |
Online applications are invited for the following Permanent Non-teaching posts (Link: https://dunt.uod.ac.in/index.php/site/login) Director Physical Education Link: https://rec.uod.ac.in
310 |
Notice regarding internal assessment marks_May_June_2023 Semester 4th & 6th
311 |
Admission Support System Internship 2023
312 |
B.A. (Huns.) VI Sem. Practical Examination May_June_2023_SEC
313 |
B. A. (Prog) VI Sem. Practical Examination May_Jun_2023_URDU-D
314 |
Notification reminder dated 04.05.2023r regarding filling up the examination form of Semester-III
315 |
College will remain closed on Friday, 05th May, 2023
316 |
B.Com (Prog.) Practical Exam_52413401_E-Commerce
317 |
B.A.(Prog.) VI Semester Practical Maths- Examination. May/June
318 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 13.06.2023
319 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 12.06.2023
320 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 10.06.2023
321 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 09.06.2023
322 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 08.06.2023
323 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 07.06.2023
324 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 06.06.2023
325 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 05.06.2023
326 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 03.06.2023
327 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 02.06.2023
328 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 01.06.2023
329 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 31.05.2023
330 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Commerce for Assistant Professor on 30.05.2023
331 |
B. COM (Hons) 4 Semester Practical BCH-4.3
332 |
Practical Examination __May-June-2023
333 |
Practical Examination _May-June-2023
334 |
Notification regarding Arabic Paper
335 |
Arabic paper seating plan 13.04.2023
336 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Urdu for Assistant Professor on 21.04.2023
337 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Urdu for Assistant Professor on 20.04.2023
338 |
Notice regarding exam fee
339 |
Notice regarding admit card 4th and 6th semester
340 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Economics for Assistant Professor on 15.04.2023
341 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Economics for Assistant Professor on 14.04.2023
342 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Economics for Assistant Professor on 13.04.2023
343 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Economics for Assistant Professor on 12.04.2023
344 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of Economics for Assistant Professor on 11.04.2023
345 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of History for Assistant Professor on 06.04.2023
346 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of History for Assistant Professor on 05.04.2023
347 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of History for Assistant Professor on 04.04.2023
348 |
Notice regarding Interview in the department of History for Assistant Professor on 03.04.2023
349 |
All students of semester 2nd are required to fill up the Google form for their various subjects
350 |
Quotation for sports uniform for College teams for men and women
351 |
Schedule for holding Skill test (Typing Test) for the post of Junior Assistant ( Category OBC and UR)
352 |
Schedule for holding Skill test (Typing Test) for the post of Junior Assistant (Category SC)
353 |
Notification regarding skill test STA (Computer)
354 |
Notice regarding: Internal Assessment and Continuous Assessment
355 |
Notice regarding : Holi festival
356 |
Notice regarding post of Senior Technical Assistant
357 |
Notice regarding Practical examination for all the SEC and VAC papers
358 |
Notice regarding Practical and Viva exam
359 |
Notice regarding: Practical Examination of B.Com and B.Com (H).
360 |
Notice regarding: Admit Card
361 |
Notice regarding: Department of Environmental Studies
362 |
Non teaching staff is to be filled through Limited Departmental Examination
363 |
Schedule for holding written test for the post of Senior Personal Assistant
364 |
Urgent Notice
365 |
Seating plan for the post of Junior Assistant
366 |
Important notice for the students
367 |
Exam Notification for 1 Semester Students
368 |
(CORRIGENDUM) Selection Committee for Assistant Professor in the department of English
369 |
Schedule for holding written test for the post of Junior Assistant
370 |
Seating plan for the post of Computer Laboratory Attendant
371 |
Schedule for holding written test for the post of Computer Laboratory Attendant
372 |
Seating plan for the post of Senior Technical Assistant (Computer)
373 |
Schedule for holding written test for the post of Senior Technical Assistant (Computer)
374 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of English for Assistant Professor on 13.02.2023
375 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of English for Assistant Professor on 12.02.2023
376 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of English for Assistant Professor on 11.02.2023
377 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of English for Assistant Professor on 10.02.2023
378 |
Seating plan for the post of Assistant
379 |
Seating plan for the post of Administrative Officer
380 |
Seating plan for the post of Library Attendant
381 |
Changes in duty hours
382 |
Schedule for holding written test for the post of Library Attendant
383 |
Schedule for holding written test for the post of Assistant
384 |
Schedule for holding written test for the post of Administrative Officer
385 |
Interview in the department of Economics on Guest basis has been postponed
386 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of political Science for Assistant Professor on 08.02.2023
387 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of political Science for Assistant Professor on 07.02.2023
388 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of political Science for Assistant Professor on 06.02.2023
389 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of political Science for Assistant Professor on 05.02.2023
390 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of political Science for Assistant Professor on 04.02.2023
391 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of political Science for Assistant Professor on 03.02.2023
392 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of political Science for Assistant Professor on 02.02.2023
393 |
Notice regarding fees 2022-23
394 |
Notice regarding appointment of Guest Faculty.
395 |
Notice regarding the post of Non Teaching Staff
396 |
Seating plan 31.12.2022
397 |
Seating plan 30.12.2022
398 |
Seating plan 28.12.2022
399 |
Seating plan 27.12.2022
400 |
Seating plan 26.12.2022
401 |
Seating plan 23.12.2022
402 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of Sanskrit for Assistant Professor on 05.01.2023
403 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of Sanskrit for Assistant Professor on 06.01.2023
404 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of Sanskrit for Assistant Professor on 07.01.2023
405 |
Seating plan 22.12.2022
406 |
Notice regarding internal assessment marks
407 |
Seating plan 21.12.2022
408 |
Form to be filled ONLY by the students from the North East (Semester-1)
409 |
410 |
seating plan 20.12.2022 evening college students
411 |
seating plan 20.12.2022 day college students
412 |
Seating plan 12.12.2022
413 |
Seating plan 10.12.2022
414 |
Seating plan 09.12.2022
415 |
Seating plan 08.12.2022
416 |
Seating plan 07.12.2022
417 |
Notice regarding practical exam B.COM (Hons) 3rd sem
418 |
Seating plan 06.12.2022
419 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of Environmental Studies for Assistant Professor on 11.12.2022, 12.12.2022 and 13.12.2022
420 |
Seating plan 05.12.2022
421 |
Seating plan 03.12.2022
422 |
(Revised) Seating plan 02.12.2022
423 |
seating plan 01.12.2022
424 |
seating plan 30.11.2022 evening college students
425 |
seating plan 30.11.2022 day college students
426 |
SEC Urdu Practical Vth Semester
427 |
Notice regarding the posts of College Librarian
428 |
Orientation Program for 1st Semester Students
429 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of Bengali for Assistant Professor on 03.12.2022
430 |
Notice regarding admit card 3rd semester
431 |
Form to be filled ONLY by the students from the North East (Semester-1)
432 |
Admit card for 5 semester
433 |
Paper List before making their choices in the Form ODD Sem. 2022-23
434 |
435 |
436 |
Notice regarding re-admission form for 3rd and 5th semester
437 |
RA/ER/AB cases from Sem 4 May/June 2022
438 |
RA/AB/ER cases from Sem 3 Nov/Dec OBE
439 |
RA/AB/ER cases from Sem 2 August 2022
440 |
RA/AB/ER cases from Sem 1 March OBE
441 |
Orientation programme of Freshers 2022-2023
442 |
Revised Notice regarding: Interview in the department of Mathematics for Assistant Professor on 05.11.2022 and 06.11.2022
443 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Environmental Studies
444 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Political Science
445 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Hindi
446 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in History
447 |
Notice regarding Sports
448 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of Mathematics for Assistant Professor on 05.11.200 and 06.11.2022
449 |
Notice regarding holding of selection committee of Arabic department, the following changes
450 |
451 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of Philosophy for Assistant Professor on 21.10.2022
452 |
Notice regarding: Interview in the department of Arabic for Assistant Professor on 26.10.2022
453 |
Notice regarding re-admission form for semester 3rd and 5th
454 |
Notice regarding GE (Philosophy) last date 11.10.2022
455 |
Online application link for non teaching posts
456 |
Interact with stakeholders in SAMVAD a live programme to discuss about e-Samadhaan Portal, on 04th October 2022 at 4.15 pm
457 |
Notice regarding re-admission form for semester 3rd and 5th
458 |
Online applications are invited for the following Permanent Non-teaching posts (Link: https://dunt.uod.ac.in/index.php/site/login)(Librarian Link: https://rec.uod.ac.in
459 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Philosophy
460 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Mathematics
461 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in English
462 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Persian
463 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Urdu
464 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Sanskrit
465 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Economics
466 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Commerce
467 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Bengali
468 |
Notice regarding the post of Assistant Professors in Arabic
469 |
Classes will remain suspended on 20.09.2022
470 |
Placement Drive for DU Students -ICT Academy - DUCC
471 |
Classes Suspended on 16.09.2022
472 |
The entry of the students is restricted on 15.09.2022
473 |
Class suspended Notice on 15-09-2022
474 |
Steps for Online Fee Payment for Undergraduate Course 2nd and 3rd Year 2022-23
475 |
Schedule of fee 2022-2023
476 |
Notice regarding re-admission form for semester 3rd and 5th
477 |
classes suspended on 08.09.2022
478 |
UGC letter regarding live lecture by Dr. Hasmukh Adhia, IAS (Retd.), Chancellor, Central University of Gujarat, Former Finance Secretary, Govt. of India will be delivering a talk on ? Stress Management in Difficult Times? on 29th August 2022 at 10:00 am
479 |
Chetna lecture series on ?Guidelines for Establishment of Research & Development Cell in Higher Education Institutions? on 23rd August, 2022 at 10:00 AM
480 |
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Doordarshan has launched swaraj Bharat ke Swatanatrata Sangram ki Samagra Gatha
481 |
Notice cum Advertisement - Walk-in interviews for “Admission Support Internship”
482 |
Notice Classes suspended
483 |
Classes Suspended today on 05.08.2022
484 |
Fill up the google form for generic elective for 5th and 6th sem
485 |
Registration for Centenary Chance is extended upto 08.08.2022
486 |
Fill up the google form for generic elective for 5th and 6th sem
487 |
488 |
Notice for last date for submission of application for Assistant Professors
489 |
Notice for laptop return
490 |
Second Phase Examination
491 |
Appointment to the post of Assistant Professors in various departments
492 |
Regarding result awaited
493 |
International Yoga Day on 21.06.2022
494 |
Online Orientation cum Guidance Program for Common University Entrance Test CUET-2022 specially for SC/ST students
495 |
Provision and Policy for Differently Abled Students/ Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
496 |
Exam Notification
497 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Bengali
498 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Environmental Studies
499 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Philosophy
500 |
Helpdesk for facilitation of UG admissions
501 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Commerce
502 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of English
503 |
Interview for Ad-hoc teachers in English on 18.05.2022 postponed
504 |
Exam Notification
505 |
Exam information
506 |
Appointment of Assistant Professor on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of English
507 |
Exam Notification
508 |
University of Delhi (Notification)
509 |
B.Com (Hons.) IV Semester Practical Examination 30.04.2022
510 |
B.COM(H) IV Semester Practical Examination April/May 2022
511 |
Interview for Ad-hoc teachers in Economics on 25.04.2022 Postponed
512 |
Appointment of Assistant Professors on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Urdu
513 |
Interview for Ad-hoc teachers in Environmental Studies on 22.04.2022 postponed
514 |
Interview for Ad-hoc teachers in Bengali on 23.04.2022 postponed
515 |
Appointment of Assistant Professors on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Economics
516 |
Interview for Ad-hoc teachers in Economics on 13.04.2022 postponed
517 |
Appointment of Assistant Professors on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Persian
518 |
Appointment of Assistant Professors on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Bengali
519 |
Appointment of Assistant Professors on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Urdu
520 |
Appointment of Assistant Professors on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Environmental Science
521 |
Appointment of Assistant Professors on Ad-hoc Basis in the department of Economics
522 |
Notice for filling Examination Form for 4th and 6th semester Regular and Ex-students May/June 2022
523 |
Suspension of Classes on 17.03.2022
524 |
NIQ for re-filling of Fire Extinguishers
525 |
Office Order regarding online classes 16th and 17th March 2022
526 |
Practical B.Com. I Year Section-A
527 |
Practical B.Com. I Year Section-B
528 |
Practical B.Com.(Hons.) I Year
529 |
530 |
Office Order
531 |
Office Order
532 |
Office Order
533 |
Quotation for printing of College Magazines for the academic 2021-22
534 |
Matribhasha Diwas 2021-2022
535 |
Filling of Examination Form of those students who did not fill exam form of IV Semester in May-June 2021
536 |
Notice regarding Opening of College and University
537 |
Weekend Curfew due to Covid-19- Office Order dated 05.01.2022
538 |
Second Chance for the students who fail to appear for exam in December 2021
539 |
Notice regarding increase in cases of COVID-19
540 |
Notice regarding issue of laptop to First Year Students 2021-2022
541 |
Advertsiement for Ad-hoc appointment in department of Commerce
542 |
NIQ Tender Notice for dispose of old news papers and magazines in the College Library
543 |
Code of Conduct for Online Classes
544 |
How to use MS-Teams App
545 |
Instructions for MS-Teams App
546 |
Link for password problem in MS-Teams
547 |
MS-Teams ID of students admitted in the 1st Year in academic session 2021-22
548 |
Vacant Seats for Admission under Special Drive-III
549 |
Special Drive-III Cut-off List for UG Admissions 2021-22
550 |
Link for date sheet for Semester Examination December 2021
551 |
Step by Step Guidelines for downloading Admission-College fee slip
552 |
Advertsiement for Ad-hoc appointment in deptt. of English
553 |
Special Drive-II Cut-off List for UG Admissions 2021-22
554 |
Vacant Seats for Admission under Special Drive-II
555 |
Option Form for AECC and GE Papers for all first year students
556 |
Notice Orientation for First year students 2021-22
557 |
MS-Teams ID of newly admitted 1st Year students in academic session 2021-22
558 |
Guidelines to fill Examination Form step by step guidelines
559 |
Special Drive Cut-off List for UG Admissions 2021-22
560 |
Re-admission fee of 3rd and 5th semester Regular students 2021-22
561 |
5th Cut-off List for UG Admissions 2021-22
562 |
4th Cut-off List for UG Admissions 2021-22
563 |
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav
564 |
Nadi ko Jano Campaign
565 |
Special Cut-off List-1 for UG Admissions 2021-22
566 |
Ward Quota Admissions List UG Admission 2021-22
567 |
Scholarship Notice for the Year 2021-22
568 |
3rd Cut-off List for UG Admissions 2021-22
569 |
2nd Cut-off List for UG Admissions 2021-22
570 |
1st Cut-off List for UG Admissions 2021-22
571 |
Schedule of Admission in various courses for UG Admissions 2021-22
572 |
Guidelines for Admission in various courses for UG Admissions 2021-22
573 |
Correction of name etc. in final year marksheet
574 |
Notice for students who fail to appear their examination held in June 2021
575 |
Form for Result Awaited (RA)/Absent/Record Not Found cases OBE
576 |
Submission of Answer Script June 2021
577 |
Nodal Officer For June 2021
578 |
Guidelines for OBE Examination of Final Year/Semester starting from 07.06.2021
579 |
Notice for Submission of fees of ER Papers of Regular Students
580 |
Notice for Submission of fees of Ex-students
581 |
Notice for Examination Form Submission for IV/VI semester students
582 |
Extension in last date of submission of quotations for payroll software
583 |
NIQ for Payroll Software
584 |
Notice for 1st year students appearing in OBE March 2021 regarding submission of answer scripts through email