Library Facilities and Services

▶ Reading Room Facility The College Library has two fully air-conditioned reading halls with a total capacity of 120 students. A separate reading room with a seating capacity of 20is also available for faculty members.

▶ Property Counter The Library offers the facility of property counter to its users. Users are required to keep their Bags (excluding valuable items such as money, passport, credit/debit cards/mobile phones etc.)at the property counter before entering into the library.

▶ Web OPAC Facility The Library Web OPAC allows users to search for an item of interest available in the Library holdings. Two OPAC terminals are available in the library to facilitate this service. There cords can be searched by: Title, Author, Subject and Key Words, Publisher and Call Number.

▶ Circulation(Issue/Return) The Circulation system in the library provides a number of services such as: Registration of new members and renew the membership of existing members, check-out (issue) and check-in (return) of books, reservation of books, and generation of reminder letter for overdue documents. Library users can see & verify their transaction through installed LED monitor at the circulation counter.


Library is fully computerized. Books can be searched through Web-OPAC. There are two sections in the Library

* General Book Section: From this section, students can avail the books in the following way:
B.A.(H)/B.Com (H)                 03 Books for 30 days
B.A.(P)/B.Com (P)                  02 Books for 30 days
* Text Book Section: from this section, students can borrow books on long term basis for the whole semester in the following way:
B.A. (H)/B.Com (H)                 04 Books
B.A. (P)/B.Com (P)                  03 Books

* The Students should check the condition of the books before getting it issued. Any discrepancy should be brought to the notice to the staff of Circulation Counter.
* Late fee of Rs.1/- per day per book would be charged from the student who retain book (s) beyond the due date.
* Books will be re-issued for not more than two times. After that the borrower must return the book(s).
* Reference books, journals/periodicals, magazines/newspapers, and other documents declared “For Reference” by the Librarian will not be issued.
* Members can reserve the documents they desire to borrow by filling in the ‘Reservation Slip’. The reservation will be strictly on first-come-first-served basis.
* A student is responsible for the safe custody and return of the documents borrowed from the Library.
* The loss of books must immediately be reported in writing to the Librarian. The members must replace the lost books within 15 days from the date of loss reported. In case the book(s) is/are in the volumes or the set, the entire set/volume has to be replaced.

▶ Xerox and Print Services The Library provides photocopy and print facilities to its users within the library premises. The users are charged Re. 1/= per photocopy. The users can download documents and other information from the various databases and electronic journals provided to the College through DULS and even take prints out as per their needs and requirements.

▶ N-LIST The college library subscribes N-LIST programme (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) which provides access to e-resources to the library users. These resources are accessible through NLIST website

▶ Reference Service College Library provides access to all reference collections including encyclopedias, year books, dictionaries, directories, competition books etc. The library staff assists the users to solve their queries and also provide them the needed documents.

▶ Question Paper and Syllabus The question papers for various courses are available in the Reference section of the Library for consultation of students. The users / students may also get previous year question papers of University examination for consultation/reference, which are kept in the Reference Section of the library.

▶ Current Awareness Services (CAS) The Library provides various important services like Current Awareness Services (CAS) to its users to make them aware of the latest information in their respective field. The content of the latest issues of journals are brought to the notice of the faculty members through email. Information regarding examinations, results, syllabus, etc. is also provided on demand to users.

▶ New Arrival Display Service Newly added books to the library are displayed on the New Arrival Display Pocket before they are released for loan.

▶ Facilities& Services to the PwBD There is a ramp at the entrance of the College Library for the purpose of facilitating access to physically challenged users in the library. In addition, there is a separate room for visually impaired students and faculty members with following facilities: Advanced level Computer with NVDA Screen reading software, Scanner, Printer and EVO 10 Recorder. The visually challenged students are also provided Delhi University Braille Library membership through which they can get all reading materials available in braille as well as audio format. The College library also provides materials in braille scripts to visually impaired students.

▶ Plagiarism Check Facility Plagiarism Detection software i.e. URKUND is being subscribed through INFLIBNET. The Faculty members and research scholars of the College can use this facility to check plagiarism in research articles, dissertation, book chapters, reports etc. To avail the services, please contact the librarian.

▶ User Orientation and Awareness Service All the newly enrolled students are made aware about the various facilities provided by the College Library every year during Induction/Orientation Programme organized on the very first day of the start of the new academic session. The students and faculty members are also helped and trained in searching books through OPAC of College Library by the library staff.

▶ Text Books Section Service/ Long Term Issue The College Library has a separate section of text books, which have more than 30000 books covering all the disciplines taught in the College. The books are procured in the Book bank section strictly keeping in view the demand of the students. These books are issued to students for whole semester.

▶ Periodical Section This section facilitates new magazines and newspapers to students and faculty members of the college.

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